Iz blizine srce sluti puhnut će behar,
Izbudit će cvjeće džemre čim zemlji padne.
Kiše će umivati Bosnu šaren đulistan,
I cvjetat će ljiljani u zore rane.

Iz blizine srce sluti puhnut će behar,
Okitit će polja naša Rahmet zeleni.
Našoj djeci pružit će stručak ljubice na dar,
A uzdahe slobode i mira meni.

Iz blizine srce sluti puhnut će behar,
Odnijet će dušu u dom smireni topli.
Pod moju strehu tek tad neka šljegne miran san,
Minut će bol oči kad lagahno sklopim.

Izbor:Kemal Mahić


Heart foreknows from near, behar will blow
Džemre will wake up the flowers as soon as it falls to ground
Rains will wash the face of Bosna – colourful đulistan
And zambaklar will bloom in the early mornings

Heart foreknows from near, behar will blow
Green rahmet will decorate our fields
It will give our children stalk of violets as a gift
And to me – sighs of freedom and peace

Heart foreknows from near, behar will blow
It will take the soul to the tranquil, warm home
May the calm dream lay under my roof just then
The pain will pass when i lightly close my eyes

Translation: Azra
Izbor:Kemal Mahić


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